How to Change Language Of Any Game

If  Installed Games Default Language is not  English use this Methods:

Method 1.   Find in installed games directory file steam_api.ini  (or  steam_emu.ini ,  codex.ini,  skidrow.ini,   3dmgame.ini ,   prophet.ini,   fairlight.ini,   plaza.ini, hi2u.ini,   flt.ini,   razor1911.ini,   postmortem.ini,   tinyiso.ini,  cpy.ini,  reloaded.ini,  ali213.ini,  outlaws.ini   …..  ), open it with notepad, scroll down to the bottom and change for example  russion to english (Language = english),  save (pressing  ctrl + s) and restart the game.

Method 2.   In Windows Search type regedit.  Click on regedit  icon.  Drop down   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE   >  Software   >   WOW6432Node.  Now you have to look for your game here.  Find entry name “Language”.   Click on that  and  change “RU” to “EN” ( If  “Russion” to “English”).    In another entry “Local”  (if it exists)  change “RU” to “EN”

Method 3.    If there is not file steam_api.ini  and second method do not works try to change language in games settings using google translate.